北海道 (Hokkaidō Prefecture) | Days: 6-8
Day 6: ハートランドフェリー (Heartland Ferry) and 桃岩荘ユースホステル (Momoiwasō Youth Hostel)
"Staff member places hands on his junk
Today we travelled to perhaps the single most beautiful place I’ve ever had the pleasure to set foot. We departed from the NW corner of Hokkaidō, 稚内 (Wakkanai), via the ハートランドフェリー (Heartland Ferry) to the breathtaking island of 礼文 (Rebun), and what was waiting for us upon our arrival at 香深港 (Kafuka Port) was nothing short of incredible.
When I say that there is nothing in the world that can prepare you for your stay at 桃岩荘ユースホステル (Momoiwasō Youth Hostel), I want you to understand my full meaning. You will sing, you will dance, you will clean, you will perform, you will learn, you will laugh; in short, you’ll have yet another unforgettable experience unlike anything you might come across in Japan.
Don’t believe me? Go grab the nearest Japanese dictionary and I guarantee that if you look up the word ‘元気’ you will discover the 桃岩荘 staff smiling right back at you.
Day 7: 8時間 (“Hachijikan” 8-Hour Hike)
桃時間や日本時間ですか? 笑"
I cannot put into words just how incredible Rebun Island is. I mean, it literally took my breath away at one point atop a mountain during the hike – serves me right for forgetting my ventolin inhaler, haha. As such, I will end this chapter with a picture from the hike as well as a video I discovered online of the Momo Staff’s 'send off ceremony' for those departing the island.
[VIDEO LINK] “Send off by Momoiwaso Youth Hostel Staff”
Credit: Youtube User 'Watsblue'
Until next time,
- Harry