2 応援!

"Go to Chillon Castle"

I attended ISE(International Society of Electrochemical) conference from 1st Sep. to 5th Sep.! It's difficult for me, listening to fluent English and speaking easy one. But, It was a great experiment. Moreower, Lunch was so yummy!

3rd Sep. on Wednesday, We had a good plan. I went to Chillon castle on excursion of ISE. Chillon castle has located along Lake Geneva, was built about 11th century. This castle also was used as a prison and a fortress. After I saw the castle, walked round in Montreux city. Montreux city is really beautiful city, and there are so many beautiful girls.

Everyone should go to Montreux city ASAP!!


Yoshinori Yamashita
長岡技術科学大学/工学研究科/材料工学専攻/1年 トビタテ!留学JAPAN日本代表プロジェクト1期生 海外経験:スイス/スウェーデン 出身:茨城県 資格:普通自動車免許 英語のライティングと思い出の保存のために書く日記ですので、基本は英語になります。悪しからず!