1 応援!


みなさんこんにちは! Hello everyone!

Passed more than a month since came to the UK so am writing what I learned and thought.

①農家と研究の違い Differences between farms and farming research
 I realised the differences between farms and research even the same organic farming. Farms grow crops which are in need, suit the environment, have disease resistant or look nice to get benefit. On the other hand research inquiries what fits for the environment, which variety has disease resistant, what genotype grows look good and so on. Therefore we grow a lot of varieties, apply some sort of fertilisers or pesticides on different amount and plot out to compare with. Moreover we identify weeds and diseases to investigate reasons and solutions. The purpose of our research is give farmers research result and they make good use of it.

②英語の違い English differences
 I moved from Australia to England and found English differences. It was quite difficult to catch British English when I got here however I am getting used to it. I really like British accent so will try to get it.

③イギリスでの生活・環境 The life and environment in Newcastle
 I am accustomed to the life and environment except the WEATHER here. It changes every an hour. It is about 15 degrees average now but I had worn both T-shirt and skiwear on the same day!! haha

Will write about my research and assessments I have done next time!


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長尾 愛
トビタテ!留学JAPAN 2期生 Australia/WWOOF UK/Newcastle University/NEFG(Nafferton Ecological Farming Group) 英国ニューカッスル大学 大学院生 Organic Farming and Food Production Systems 練習のため、英語でも書いていきたいです!

長尾 愛さんの海外ストーリー