1 応援!

Captain Cook Memorial


  • On 29 April 1770 the Endeavour reached BOTANY BAY which Cool first called Sting-Prays Harbour, changing it later to Botany Bay because of the great quantity if New Plants &ca Mr Banks & Dr Solarder collected in this place.
  • The eastern coast of Australia was sighted on 20 April 1770. Cook named POINT HICKS in honour of the second lieutenant in the Endeavour, Zachary Hicks, ’the first who discover’d this land’.
  • In April 1770 the Endeavour began her homeward passege Cook steered what from CAPE FAREWELL, in New Zealand, so as to fall in with the eastern coast of New Holland, the name by which Australia was then known.
  • The Endeavour circumnavigated NEW ZEALAND and its coastline was carefully charted by Cook. He returned on each of his subsequent voyages, using as his base Queen Charlotte Sound, where he had found safe anchorage on the first voyage.
  • When the observation of the Transit of Venus was completed, the Endeavour sailed in search of the continent believed to lie in the SOUTH PACIFIC. After reaching 40’ south latitude without finding land. Cook turned his ship towards New Zealand.
  • The Royal Society had instructed Cook to observe the Transit of Venus, important in reckoning the earth’s distance from the sun at TAHITI. This island, so well endowed by benevolent nature, was revisited by Cook during his later voyages.
  • On his voyage to North Pacific in 1778 Cook called at Hawaii and later returned to winter there. On 14 February 1779, in an unhappy quarrel with the people of KEALAKEKUA BAY, he was killed.
  • Through the aim of Cook’s third voyage, the discovery of the North- West Passage, was not achieved, the expedition charted the Pacific coast of northern America and twice passed through BERING STRAIT into the Arctic Ocean.
  • In search of a southern continent Cook penetrated the ANTARCTIC REGION three times, his ambition leading his not only 'farther than any one had done before, but as far as it was possible for man to go’.
  • In January 1769, the Endeavour anchored off the coast of Terra del Fuego to take on wood and water. By 13 February Cook had doubled CAPE HORN a feat which he observed, ‘is thought by some to be a mighty thing’.
  • The Endeavour’s stores were replenished at RIO DE JANEIRO. Here neither officers nor scientists were allowed to stay on shore because the Portuese suspected the purpose of the voyage to be smuggling rather than the advancement of science.
  • In the course of his second circumnavigation Cook annexed SOUTH GEORGIA and charted part of its coastline. He described it as savage and horrible, a place of wild rocks and everlasting snow.
  • FUNCHAL, at MADEIRA, was the first port of call for the Endeavour and for the ships of the second voyage. Here Cook took o supplies of beef, vegetables, water and wine. On the third voyage he did this at Tenerife in the Canary Islands.
  • PLYMOUTH was the point of departure for Cook’s three voyages to the Pacific. The Endeavour left on 25 August 1768, the Resolution and Adventure in July 1772, the Resolution and Discovery, the ships of the third voyage, in July 1776.
  • CAPE TOWN natural stopping place for ships, was described by Cook as ‘one great Inn fired up for the reception of all comers and goers’. He called there on each of his Pacific voyages.
  • The arms of Captain James Cook. Granted 3 Sep. 1785 by Isaac Heard Carter, and Thomas Look, Clarence, on the request of Elizabeth Cook of Mile End, Captain Cook’s widow, for a Grant of ’such Armoral Ensigns as may allude to his distinguished character’, to be borne by his descendants ‘and placed on any Monument or otherwise to his Memory’.
  • After stopping at Savu, the Endeavour headed for BATAVIA, where Cook stayed nearly three months, refitting his ship. From here he despatched to the Admiralty a copy of his journal and the charts made on the voyage.
  • The Endeavour skirted the south western coast of the island of NEW GUINEA and in early September 1770, Cook landed briefly at what is now known as Teluk Cook, in West Irian.
  • Within two days after leaving Cape York, Cook had proved the existence of TERRES STRAIT and that ’New-Holland and New-Guinea are two Separate Lands of Islands, which until this day hath been a doubtfull point with Geographers’.
  • When he had rounded the northernmost tip of Australia, Cook landed at POSSESSION ISLAND, hoisted the English colours and annexed the whole eastern coast, giving it the name New South Wales.
  • During the third voyage Cook anchored in ADVENTURE BAY, TASMANIA. Hefound there ample wood and water and observed that the land was ‘of a good height, diversified with hill and Vally and every where of a greenish hue’.
  • In making her way among this islands and dangerous shoale of the Queensland coast, the Endeavour stock a submerged coral reef. She was floated free and beached for repairs at ENDEAVOUR RIVER.


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Chey Saita
ベルギーで幼稚園時代2年半、マレーシアで小学・中学時代4年間過ごす マレーシアでは英国系インターナショナル・スクールに通う 帰国後は兵庫県立芦屋国際中等教育学校に編入。3期生。 鹿児島大学理学部物理科学科宇宙コース->鹿児島大学大学院理工学研究科物理・宇宙専攻 第2回サイエンス・インカレ ファイナリスト IAC2014(宇宙国際会議)のJAXA学生派遣プログラムの代表生 トビタテ!留学JAPAN日本代表プログラム 1期生 オーストラリア国立大学にて電波天文学を研究するために留学

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